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Doing Well and Doing Good

Doing Well and Doing Good

November 07, 2017

There’s an old expression often used by parents to make a point to children, but it’s applicable at any age, “Show me who your friends are and I’ll show you who you are”.

We tend to choose our friends because we have something in common with them; kids playing the same sport, living in the same neighborhood, belonging to the same service club…in other words…shared values and experiences.

We look to build our network around people who are good and who do good: People who contribute to their community and set an example of servant leadership.

The same principle applies to those with whom we do business, especially the business of helping you plan for your future: Saving for college, putting away enough money for retirement, and perhaps being able to leave a legacy, once your family has been provided for.

Goals this important should be trusted to companies who understand them.

At One Financial Services we believe in being here for our clients, our employees, and our community. We support causes and charities we believe in, from sponsoring golf tournaments to galas; One Financial Services donates over $36,000 annually to help improve the quality of life for others.

Over $4,000 of those donations are directed by our employees who during their first five years of service receive a $365 annual “gift” to designate to the charity of their choice. After five years, that amount increases throughout their employment.

We believe we have a responsibility to improve the lives of those around us, and that responsibility extends to those who allow us the privilege of serving them as clients or who need us to serve them as neighbors.

Let One Financial Services help you build a future that reflects your values, a future that makes life better for your family and for others. We are, like your parents said, the kind of company you will want to keep.